

Diagnostics 诊断学

Inspection 望诊

望神 inspection of the vitality

得神 presence of vitality


失神 loss of vitality

面色苍白 pale complexion

面色淡白 pale white complexion

淡白舌 pale tongue

淡红舌 pale red tongue

滑苔 slippery fur

黄苔 yellow fur

灰苔 gray fur

Diagnostics 诊断学

Listening and Smelling Examination 闻诊

闻声音 listening to sounds

语声低微 faint low voice

语声重浊 deep turbid voice

郑声 muttering

错语 disordered speech

独语 soliloquy

呓语 sleep talking

谵语 delirious speech

喘促 panting

喘鸣 wheezing dyspnea

Diagnostics 诊断学

Inquiry 问诊

问寒热 inquiry about cold and heat

恶寒发热 aversion to cold with fever

问汗 inquiry about sweating

盗汗 night sweating

多汗 profuse sweating

持续痛 persistent pain

刺痛 stabbing pain

口淡 bland taste in the mouth

口干 dry mouth

大便干结 dry stool

小便浑浊 turbid urine

Diagnostics 诊断学

Palpation 切诊

大脉 large pulse

代脉 intermittent pulse

长脉 long pulse

迟脉 slow pulse

促脉 skipping pulse

洪脉 surging pulse

滑脉 slippery pulse

疾脉 racing pulse

结脉 bound pulse

芤脉 hollow pulse

Diagnostics 诊断学


阴阳两虚证 pattern/syndrome of dual deficiency of yin and yang

阴阳失调证 pattern/syndrome of yin-yang disharmony

太阳伤寒证 greater yang cold damage pattern/ syndrome

表实里虚证 pattern/syndrome of exterior excess and interior deficiency

表实证 exterior excess pattern/syndrome

肝阳上亢证 pattern/syndrome of ascendant hyperactivity of liver yang

风寒犯头证 pattern/syndrome of wind-cold invading the head

method of treatment 治法

补脾 tonify the spleen

补气 tonify qi

芳香化湿 resolve dampness with aroma

芳香化浊 resolve turbidity with aroma

固冲止带 secure the thoroughfare vessel and stanch vaginal discharge

和解少阳 harmonize and release the lesser yang

和胃 harmonize the stomach

化痰 resolve phlegm

温肺散寒 warm the lung and dissipate cold

淸热和胃 clear heat and harmonize the stomach

淸热化湿 clear heat and resolve dampness

泻肝除湿 purge the liver and eliminate dampness

滋阴补阳 enrich yin and tonify yang

Internal Medicine 内科

关格 block and repulsion (disease)

寒厥 cold syncope

寒疟 cold malaria

汗证; 汗病 abnormal sweating

黄疸 jaundice

积聚; 症瘕 aggregationaccumulation

惊悸 fright palpitations

痉病 convulsive disease

久泄 chronic diarrhea

失眠 insomnia

癫病 depressive psychosis

肺痨 lung consumption

External Medicine 外科

疮 sore

疮疡 sore and ulcer

丹毒 erysipelas

疔 deep-rooted boil

冻疮 frostbite

痘疮 smallpox

鹅掌风 tinea manuum

发际疮 hairline sore

干癣 dry ringworm

肛漏 anal fistula

环跳疽 suppurative coxitis

茧唇 cocoon lip

椒疮 trachoma

疖 furuncle

Gynecology and Obstetrics 妇产科

白带 white vaginal discharge

黄带 yellow vaginal discharge

月经过多 profuse menstruation

胎动不安 threatened abortion

胎漏 vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

胎热 fetal heat


难产 difficult delivery

伤产 injured labor

经行乳房胀痛 distending pain in the breasts during menstruation

内吹乳痈 mastitis during pregnancy

缺乳 oligogalactia

Pediatrics 儿科

麻疹 measles

慢惊风 chronic infantile convulsion

慢脾风 chronic spleen wind

食积 food accumulation

水痘 chickenpox

胎黄 neonatal jaundice

五迟 five retardations

五软 five limpnesses/ flaccidity

顿咳 whooping cough

风痫 wind epilepsy

疳积 mild (infantile) malnutrition with accumulation



白膜侵睛 invasion of white membrane into the cornea

胞生痰核 phlegm node of the eyelid

高风内障 retinopathy pigmentosa

圆翳内障 cataract

云雾移睛 hyalosis

鼻鼾 snoring

鼻衄 nosebleed

鼻鼽 allergic rhinitis

喉痹 throat impediment

喉风 throat wind

牙疳 ulcerative gingivitis

牙宣 gum atrophy



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