B. DEFAULT BY LESSOR [Table of Contents] b. 出租人违约.
§ 2A-508. LESSEE'S REMEDIES. 承租人的救济.
(1) If a lessor fails to deliver the goods in conformity to the lease contract (Section 2A-509) or repudiates the lease contract (Section 2A-402), or a lessee rightfully rejects the goods (Section 2A-509) or justifiably revokes acceptance of the goods (Section 2A-517), then with respect to any goods involved, and with respect to all of the goods if under an installment lease contract the value of the whole lease contract is substantially impaired (Section 2A-510), the lessor is in default under the lease contract and the lessee may:
(a) cancel the lease contract (Section 2A-505(1));
(b) recover so much of the rent and security as has been paid and is just under the circumstances;
(c) cover and recover damages as to all goods affected whether or not they have been identified to the lease contract (Sections 2A-518 and 2A-520), or recover damages for nondelivery (Sections 2A-519 and 2A-520);
(d) exercise any other rights or pursue any other remedies provided in the lease contract.
(1) 如果出租人不能依照租赁合同 (§ 2a-509)交付货物, 或违反租赁合同 (§ 2a-402),或承租人合理地拒绝货物(§ 2a-509) 或有理由地退回货物(§ 2a-517),那么关于涉及的任何货物,以及关于分期租赁合同下的全部货物,整个租赁合同的价值被充分地损害 (§ 2a-510),出租人违反了租赁合同,承租人可以:
(a) 解除租赁合同 (§ 2a-505(1));
(b) 要回已支付数量的租金和担保,在该情形下是公平的;
(c) 抵消并主张关于受影响的所有货物的损害赔偿金,无论该货物是否已确定到租赁合同 (§ 2a-518及2a-520),或主张不交付的损害赔偿金(§ 2a-519及2a-520);
(d) 行使任何其他的权利或者寻求租赁合同规定的任何其他救济。
(2) If a lessor fails to deliver the goods in conformity to the lease contract or repudiates the lease contract, the lessee may also:
(a) if the goods have been identified, recover them (Section 2A-522); or
(b) in a proper case, obtain specific performance or replevy the goods (Section 2A-521).
(3) If a lessor is otherwise in default under a lease contract, the lessee may exercise the rights and pursue the remedies provided in the lease contract, which may include a right to cancel the lease, and in Section 2A-519(3).
(4) If a lessor has breached a warranty, whether express or implied, the lessee may recover damages (Section 2A-519(4)).
(5) On rightful rejection or justifiable revocation of acceptance, a lessee has a security interest in goods in the lessee's possession or control for any rent and security that has been paid and any expenses reasonably incurred in their inspection, receipt, transportation, and care and custody and may hold those goods and dispose of them in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner, subject to Section 2A-527(5).
(6) Subject to the provisions of Section 2A-407, a lessee, on notifying the lessor of the lessee's intention to do so, may deduct all or any part of the damages resulting from any default under the lease contract from any part of the rent still due under the same lease contract.
(2) 如果出租人不能依照租赁合同交付货物,或违反租赁合同承租人也可以:
(a) 如果货物已经特定,要回货物(§ 2a-522);或
(b) 在合适的情形,获得特别履行或者追回货物 (§ 2a-521)。
正规翻译公司热线电话(3) 如果出租人别的方面违反租赁合同,承租人可以行使租赁合同规定的权利和追寻救济,包括解除合同§ 2a-519(3)。
(4) 如果出租人违反担保,无论明示或默示,承租人可以主张损害赔偿金 (§ 2a-519(4))。
(5) 合理地拒绝或者公平地退回后,承租人就其支付的任何租金和担保,以及在其检验、收取、运输和管理、保管而引起的任何合理费用,在承租人占有或者控制的货物上享有担保物权,并且可以保有该货物,以及善意地以商业上合理的方式处分该货物,从属于§ 2a-527(5)。
(6) 除§ 2a-407另有规定外,承租人在通知出租人承租人如此作为的意图时,可以扣除由于任何违反租赁合同行为,同一租赁合同的任何部分应付款的全部或者任何部分损害赔偿金。
不适当交付时承租人的权利; 合理的拒绝.
(1) Subject to the provisions of Section 2A-510 on default in installment lease contracts, if the goods or the tender or delivery fail in any respect to conform to the lease contract, the lessee may reject or accept the goods or accept any commercial unit or units and reject the rest of the goods.
(2) Rejection of goods is ineffective unless it is within a reasonable time after tender or delivery of the goods and the lessee seasonably notifies the lessor.
分期租赁合同: 拒绝和违约.
(1) Under an installment lease contract a lessee may reject any delivery that is nonconforming if the nonconformity substantially impairs the value of that delivery and cannot be cured or the nonconformity is a defect in the required documents; but if the nonconformity does not fall within subsection (2) and the lessor or the supplier gives adequate assurance of its cure, the lessee must accept that delivery.
出国留学翻译公司(2) Whenever nonconformity or default with respect to one or more deliveries substantially impairs the value of the installment lease contract as a whole there is a default with respect to the whole. But, the aggrieved party reinstates the installment lease contract as a whole if the aggrieved party accepts a nonconforming delivery without seasonably notifying of cancellation or brings an action with respect only to past deliveries or demands performance as to future deliveries.
(1) 除§ 2a-510关于违反分期履行租赁合同另有规定外,若货物、支付或交付在任何方面不符合租赁合同,承租人可以拒绝或接受货物或接受任何商务单位的货物而拒绝货物的其余部分。
(2) 货物的拒绝无效,除非拒绝是在货物支付或交付之后合理的时间内作出,并且承租人及时地通知了出租人。