


International economic activities, certainly need to involve the exchange of language, in the choice of foreign trade translation when we have to choose according to the requirements, the following translation company for you to detail the choice of foreign trade translation requirements?

1. 您确认需要翻译吗?

1. do you confirm the need for translation?


When you start planning a project, you often find a lot of files need to be translated. But after careful consideration, you will find that actually translation is only part of it. Careful screening of documents that need translation can help you save time and control costs. Once you have a thorough understanding of the actual requirements and have a discussion with the translation company, you can quickly determine the quality standards, schedule, quotation and other issues of concern to you.

2. 一开始就要有"国际化"的概念。

2. from the beginning, we must have the concept of "internationalization".


In the preparation of the original document, try to avoid strong local characteristics, or a large number of local slang, because translation of such documents, often need to add a lot of interpretive language, it is difficult to achieve the original effect of expression. Therefore, please communicate well with the team responsible for international affairs and control the local color of the original document appropriately.

3. 图片比语言更有说服力。

3. pictures are more convincing than words.


In many cases, using pictures and charts can save a lot of language.


5. 您需要的是一家翻译公司还是自由译者?

5. do you need a translator or a freelance translator?


Translation companies and freelancers have their own advantages. Companies generally charge higher fees because they offer more comprehensive services and can handle large projects that free translators cannot handle. Translators can generally provide complete quality control standards and quality control processes (which are available only in formal companies), and they also charge a team service fee. However, on the contrary, the price of the translation company is also fixed, and the customer has no initiative. Another option is to go to some translation e-commerce sites to publish projects, these translation outsourcing sites tend to gather a large number of translation in various languages, and the price is relatively cheap. Publish the translation task, let the free company translator or translation company to bid, there is competition only low price, there is comparison only quality.


Above is a brief introduction to the selection of foreign trade translation requirements, I hope the summary of the small edition to help you, want to know more about translation knowledge, welcome to pay attention to this site.



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