
几天前,我被一个写着:“小狗”的标志感到震惊。这引发了对正确使用引号的思考。很多时候,他们习惯于提请注意一个词,就像这种情况一样; 然而,这个选择并不属于西班牙皇家学院  (RAE)提到的使用。根据RAE的规定,引号有以下用途:

A few days ago I was struck by a sign that was written as: BEWARE OF “DOG”. This sparked a thought on the correct uses of quotation marks. Many times, they are used to draw attention to a word, as in this case; however, this option is not among the uses mentioned by the Real Academia Española (RAE). According to the rules of the RAE, quotation marks have the following uses:对于文字引语:约翰说:“我不会去那个地方。”For textual quotations: John said, “I will not go to that place.”在叙事性的文学作品中,直接重现人物思想的文本:“我们永远不会找到”思想导演。In literary works of a narrative nature, texts that directly reproduce the thoughts of the characters: “We will never find it” thought the director.表示一个字或表达是不正当的,粗俗的,来自另一种语言或讽刺地使用或具有特殊意义:他告诉我他看到一个“蝙蝠”; 他解释说,他的哥哥是“特别的”。To indicate that a word or expression is improper, vulgar, comes from another language or is used ironically or has a special meaning: He told me he saw a “bat”; He explained that his brother was quite “special.”强调一个术语,在手稿中,从语言角度来说:“自然”这个词有两个音节。To emphasize a term that, in a manuscript, is spoken from a linguistic point of view: The word “nature” has two syllables.在一个语言性的作品,简单的引号用于帧的含义:字养蜂由拉丁术语了 API的“蜜蜂”和文化宫的培育,教养“。In works of a linguistic nature, simple quotes are used to frame the meanings: The word beekeeping is made up of the Latin terms apis ‘bee’ and cultura ‘cultivation, upbringing’.引用一篇文章的标题,一首诗,一本书的一章,一份报告,或者一般来说,出版物中的任何依赖部分:我们从加布里埃尔·加西亚·马尔克斯(GabrielGarcíaMárquez)的书“奇怪的朝圣者”中读到了“光是像水”的故事。To quote the title of an article, a poem, a chapter of a book, a report or, in general, any dependent part within a publication: We read the story “Light is Like Water” from Gabriel García Márquez’s book Strange Pilgrims.如果我们回到写在标志上的内容,并记住这些规则,我们可能会认为,在现实中,没有狗或狗不危险。虽然我们都明白标志是什么意思,作为专业人士,重要的是要有明确的规则,以避免错误和误解。在这种情况下,强调“狗”这个词的最方便的方法是强调它或用粗体写下来。To quote the title of an article, a poem, a chapter of a book, a report or, in general, any dependent part within a publication: We read the story “Light is Like Water” from Gabriel García Márquez’s book Strange Pilgrims.



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